Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Before you ask...

No, honey, just no.
I don't care how much you try to pout or beg, the madness ends here and now- no wigs for cats! How am I supposed to look little Gatsby or Yarn! in the feline goggles in good faith knowing full well that I sanctioned such a ridiculous item of petwiggery? I couldn't live with the guilt and frankly you should be ashamed of yourself for even considering it. Oh, I know you are.

Yesterday was a very trying day at work. I've mentally left the country already so remaining focussed on great customer service is difficult while all around me the department descends into chaos... so I'm getting my hair cut tomorrow to cheer myself up!

I also am very excited because I just went shopping in the 2cv...Where I bought the following items of guilty pleasure...

Which magically became this delicious medley of indulgence!

My girlfriend has gotten me addicted to G & T's so badly its not even funny, I feel like I'm cheating on Jack Daniel's... I can't even look him in the eye when I see him now. Only time will heal that rift- and in the meantime Gordon is here to pick up the slack! (BTW the creme egg in a stick is GENIUS!)

1 comment:

Orchid on the Metro said...

I hope you are planning on bringing those goodies with you when you show up! It'll be the first thing I ask at the airport- 'Did you bring the Cadbury and the McVities? No? humph. Get back on the plane.'

;) x