For my sins I had no idea who Tord was and I was grateful for the lesson. I do however know that Julie likes chandeliers. I found these examples during my daily trawl and thought I'd add them today to give her something pretty to look at.
Designed by Kenzan Tsutakawa-Chinn and consisting of 364 LEDs on 94 copper tubes, this Constellation Light is flexible, creative and just darned cool.
I love the idea of moulding the chandelier 'just so'.
The second chandelier is the donkey's armpits- Neues Licht's UFO Chandelier consists of strands of fibre optics arranged above a floating ring, which give off a colored glow depending on whatever light source you attach to it. You can pump sunlight into this thing from another room through a catching mirror and optical cabling- so you can have the glow of sunlight (or moonlight!) in any room in the house... a totally cool idea in my book.
via Engadget
So, describing something as the donkey's armpit is a compliment? I'll need youto explain that one to me. :P x
you know, the mutt's nuts, the cat's whiskers, the donkey's armpits... : P
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