Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Guy already knows this about me (and lucky for me, doesn't think it's odd) but I regularly stalk about 15 design blogs a day (more if I'm procrastinating), which is why, although I have no formal education on the subject whatsoever, I know a frightening amount of useless information about design and designers from all over the world. Case and point: When I was in the UK , we had a wander in Habitat one day and I bought this...

I was so excited, because I have been in love with Tord Boontje designs for the last couple of years. And when I was having my overly excited fit in Habitat, Guy had no idea who Tord Bonntjet was. I think TB is awesome. It's the fairytale aesthetic, really. They way he swings completely in the opposite direction from minimalizism. It's lush, it's visually complex, it's all laser cut textures and the feeling that you wandered into a Brothers Grimm story.

Look at that carpet of leaves. Seriously. It's like a forest floor, in your living room. Looks like it would be a bitch to vacuum, though (so don't worry, love, I don't want it : P):

But I'll admit, he got commerical, started doing stuff for Target, and unleashed these ugly dishes onto the world:

Blegh. But I guess we don't always have great days at work, either. But the item below has brought me the most amusment today:

It's a coffee cuff. It's a bracelet AND a reusable coffee sleeve. It claims to be made from "reclaimed architectural veneer offcuts" (whatever those are....) and can be yours for $68. Seriously. It's the ongoing trend of pretending to save the world by buying over-priced cool stuff. Awesome.

1 comment:

Orchid on the Metro said...

Of course its not odd! I think its great.x