Saturday, May 24, 2008

Thoughts on the impossible

When I tell people I meet that I'm moving to Toronto at the end of next month (June 25th, 32 days time) I've become increasingly perplexed by how many times I hear "Oh, wow! Thats a HUGE step!". Is it really though? Personally I think it was one of the easiest decisions I've ever made and I'm surprised at how much emphasis others have placed upon it.
Here is a slide from GMail creator, Paul Buchheit’s presentation at Startup School 2008:

I like this idea; as much as it trivialises the opinions of my friends and co-workers it speaketh the trutheth; besides... I look at all I stand to gain and I know that impossible is really just something people say when they're too scared to try.

1 comment:

Orchid on the Metro said...

As someone who has lived in another country, I can attest that it is so much easier than anyone ever suspects. And I don't mind if no one understands- in fact, that's usually a great indication that you're really on to something good.
